Nutrition Tips for Athletes

An apple a day keeps a doctor away. It is a statement that is passed from generation to generation as it still marks true on the grounds that a proper and healthy diet can have beneficial effects on your body. All kinds of fruits, vegetables, greens etc., should be an a part of a good and nutritious diet.It goes a long way, especially for athletes. They are the people who truly need the nutrition to keep them moving throughout the day. They need to build on the stamina and fight physically and mentally to keep themselves in a fit position .Healthy food keeps your body regulated and the blood will circulate properly.

You can build up your muscles or just make your bones stronger and just improve your physique with a good diet followed up with some exercises. Since you eat properly, your soul will also stay light and your mass will be able to fight against many diseases, strengthening the immune system. A proper nutritious diet also helps heal the injuries much quicker and keep the skin rejuvenated. In short, you will automatically cut off junk food and all unhealthy items and you will feel the remarkable change in your body.  You need to make sure that you have a diet that is packed up with power. Here are a few tips and practices, if included in your daily routine ,will benefit your body immensely.

Drink fluids regularly

You should drink fluids regularly. Not only does it help free you from thirst but it also helps in flushing out toxins in the body. 1 to 2 liters are a must and it totally depends on your intake capacity. For athletes, 400-800 ml per hour of exercise tends to be the approximate measure of consumption.

Protein & Carbohydrates

You should have a proper intake of proteins and carbohydrates in your diet. Since you already workout a lot, you can eat plenty of carbohydrates and not worry about adding it to your fat instead.

Include Iron and Calcium

Dairy products are a good source of calcium. Including milk, yogurt and eggs in your diet will boost up your energy and strengthen your bones.

Eating Habits

Plan your diet in advance and follow the schedule. Don’t skip any of the three meals and also eat some light snacks in-between for an energy boost.

Sodium Foods

For athletes, sodium enriched foods are very helpful in pumping up the body. Add in soups and pretzels or a sprinkle of salt on oat meals and chips to regulate a good circulation level.

Fuel up your body

Since you work out a lot, remember to grab a snack and fill out the gaps after you exercise. It will improve your stamina levels.

Say no to Sugar

Lastly, sugar is not good for you. It is actually not good for anyone. Cut down on your sugar intake. Cakes, frizzy drinks, sweets etc. are a “no”.  They don’t have any nutritional value and only add up calories. They also make you lazy. Keep a check on your diet plan and keep on improvising it.